
In this section we are going to look at the library from a higher perspective. This will help you graps a better understanding of the ideas and decisions behind the design of the library.


The design of the library is based on these ideas:

  • There is a well-known mathematical language for property expressions. We don't need to create new terminology.

    Although it is not viable to use the usual symbols of the mathematical expressions, we still can mimic the syntax. Again, we don't need to create new syntax.

  • The concept of property is simple. The implementation should be simple.

  • We should code each element of a property as an element of the programming languge.

    Thus, the implementation should be as idiomatic as possible, and we must avoid using the constructions of the language in unexpected ways.

These ideas are language-agnostic. If they are valid for our python implementation, it could be valid for other programming langauges.

The design of a property

When we write a property like \(\forall x\in \mathbb{Z}, x + 0 = x\) we found the following parts:

  • One predicate, \(x + 0 = x\), that is a logical expression that evaluates to true o false.

    We implement this as a python function returning a bool whose arguments are the quantified variables of the property.

  • A quantified variable, \(x\). This variable is quantified over a domain, \(\mathbb{Z}\), the domain of the integers. The quantifier is a forall, \(\forall\), meaning that for every value of the domain, when we bind the variable to that value, the following predicate must hold.

    In order to implement quantifying a predicate, i.e. modifying it, as it is implemented as a python function, we will use python function decorators.

When we write a property containig more than one quantifier like \(\forall x\in \mathbb{Z}, forall y\in\mathbb{Z}, ...\) we follow the same design for one quantifier. In python we can use a decorator on the result of another decorator. Thus in the implementation of our property we can apply quantifier decorator to other quantifer decorator that we applied to the predicate function.

The design of a domain

A domain, \(\mathbb{Z}\). This is the hardest part, even the basic domains like this contains an infinite number of values. We cannot construct a data structure that contains every value of the domain in memory at once, we need some kind of lazy construct that builds every value only in the moment of begin used. Our options for lazy structures in python are: custom data type plus operations on that type, custom iterator, generator functions and expressions.

Custom data types will not be part of the data types of python. This will add much more effort to the development of the library and will drive us off the idea of idomatic.

Both iterators and generators are part of the language and python already implements the usual operations on them. So this is our chooice a domain is implemented as a lazy python iterable.

Given that the domains are implemented as python iterables, we can provide two type of iterators over them:

  • One that randomly goes over the values of the domain.

  • One that exhaustively iterates over every value of the domain.

The first one eases the implementation of the pbt mechanism. The second one will not be viable in many cases, b.e. \(\mathbb{Z}\).

As domains are implemented as python iterables, we can transform a domain applying the usual operators: filter, map, ...

By it's implementation, it possible random values from a domain just by iterating over it.

Randonmly iterating over a domain


  • Use pseudo random to be able to repeat the sequence of samples.

  • Need domain specific heuristics

Estrategias de generación

Conocemos tres estrategias principales para generar el recorrido pseudoaleatorio del domino:

  • Naïf. A partir de una semilla, generar una secuencia de números pseudoaleatorios y usar estos números para seleccionar los elementos del conjunto.

  • TODO: A mayores del caso anterior, usar heurísticas para incluir elementos que se sabe que son "problemáticos" en las pruebas, por ejemplo los zeros.

  • TODO: Sized generation. Los elementos se eligen en orden creciente de tamaño y complejidad.

Core PBT machinery

The PBT machinery:

  • To obtain samples from a domain it iterates over it.

  • To check the predicate for any sample/s, it calls the predicate function passing the sample/s as argument/s.



domain specific lot of heuristics

State machines


  • How to represent

  • How to iterate